“Don’t look now, but we’re in advertising.” 

It’s a just a little thing we say to each other when we can’t believe how lucky we are

to do this job for a living. We’ve said it on a luxury yacht in Monaco. At -15°C in the middle

of a Swedish forest. At a karaoke bar in NYC. Even on a dusty road in Uganda.   


We’ve said it hundreds of times in the two decades we’ve been working together. And we’re still saying it today. We love this job of ours and we know we’re bloody lucky to be in it.  


Over the years of working on some of the biggest brands, we’d like to think that we’ve

learnt a thing or two.

Thing one. Make a habit out of making people laugh, or even making them cry.

Moving people shifts perceptions, gets bums off seats and sales off the floor.

Thing two. The older we get the easier it is to embrace change. Not because we’re technophiles. But because we’ve been around the block long enough to know that every story, every ad needs a great idea more than it needs amazing technology.